It's pretty much official. As official as it gets except that we haven't bought airline tickets yet. In early November we hope to be on a plane Zambia-bound. There have been so many ups and downs with making this decision. We've talked to so many people about the pros and cons and tried to gauge from others who have gone recently what the adoption process is really like. It's not like there's a web site anywhere that gives you all the info and since there are no agencies that work in Zambia, it's all independent.
So Lord willing, we will come home in January or February with not one, but two new daughters! That's a new development too:)
So Lord willing, we will come home in January or February with not one, but two new daughters! That's a new development too:)
I'm very excited that in just over a month I could meet my little ones that it feels I've waited so long for. And I'll get to live in Zambia with them for about three months. I'm trying to prepare my heart for anything right now. Three months really doesn't sound that long in the bigger picture. I don't know if I will be so busy caring for 3 children and getting to know 2 of them that I won't notice if the time is going by slowly or not. I also know that I will miss my sweet husband very much. He's been given a "honey-do-list" for while we are gone though, so that he won't get bored.
I guess the worst part is that we will miss Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Josie's 2nd birthday, very possibly my 25th birthday. Those things don't bother me now, because I know that this is all worth it and I would rather be with ALL my children then be missing them on all of those holidays, but I just wonder if I won't cry a little on Christmas. Thank God for Skype.
It's been amazing to see how God has opened so many doors for us to go to Zambia. I have felt so weary from the adoption process and having my heart pulled so many directions. I told God that I didn't have the energy to force this to happen, but that if He made it clear to us that this is what we are supposed to do then I would gladly put the energy into making that happen. He has definately given us a peace about this and provided an amazing church for us to attend while there. He has provided a way for us to rent a missionary's house while they are back in the states on furlough. He has provided so many connections that have just "seemed" to come out of nowhere. In alot of ways we don't know exactly what to expect, but we are so. very. excited!!!!
Please pray for us as we have soooooo very much to do in the month of October. I must admit, though, it's nice to have something to do for this adoption again:) I'll be blogging alot more while in Zambia!