We decided to continue the tradition of a special ornament for our family every Christmas. We also recieve annual White House Ornaments from my sister every year. Darren's parents are giving each of their gandchildren an ornament every year. So...our tree will fill up quickly.
I also decided to express our anticipation for our adopted daughter through a special ornament this year. I ordered this from a girl on etsy. This is a fundraiser for their Ethiopian adoption.

Cute huh? I got these in the mail this week and can't wait to put my tree up to hang them on!!!
On the adoption front, we had our indivudual interviews with our home study agency yesterday. It went very well. Our social worker is so sweet. What a blessing to have someone so laid back! Our last meeting will be next Friday the 12th. So...this week I am busy trying to tie up some loose ends on the paperwork. It will be so nice to have that segment done.
We attended a parenting conference at our church today. It was great, although it did leave me thinking, "Wow...this sounds difficult with only one child. Why am I adopting another one again?" I guess that's the beauty of it...we MUST be reliant upon Christ in our parenting! I only have a nine month old and I am humbled a hundred times a day by seeing my own sin in parenting! Praise God for His abundant grace and I trust that when the number of my children doubles, my precious savior's grace will be sufficient.
I am so glad your homestudy is going so well Jacky. Good luck with the paperwork this week. I hope everything comes together quickly! I love the Christmas ornaments. I love your view on everything. You are right it is through Christ that this is all possible.