Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Friday, November 11, 2011

Our friends would be so proud...

We have backyard chickens!!! It's been nice to have fresh eggs. We also have bunnies, a swimming poo,l and a trampoline where Josie likes to go "mumping". We are very thankful for the blessing of being able to rent this house. It has been great.

In adoption news, there are two girls at an orphanage in the city that are 4 and 2 (or 3.. not sure). We have not been able to meet them yet, but have seen their photos and man, are they cute!!! We have requested that social welfare review their files to ensure that they are adoptable and if they are we would be able to meet them. Our social worker is going to speak to the director of the orphanage on Monday so we are praying that that meeting goes well and that if these are our girls we could meet them soon. We are hoping to meet with an attorney who was recommended by some missionaries here. It is Saturday here, but he was willing to meet today so we are hoping that goes well. He could really help us alot with filing paperwork and moving things along. I have a feeling it is going to be a long weekend waiting for Monday.

So I got attacked by a SWARM of flies the first time I used the kitchen. I learned very quickly to leave the door closed when cooking even though it is so hot here we normally leave them open for air flow. These are not just your normal run-o-the mill lazy, annoying, flies either. Folks, these African flies are vicious!!! They go straight for your head and buzz around like they're on steroids!

We saw a giraffe in a crate going down the road the other day. That was pretty cool! I would actually love a pet giraffe to go with our chickens, bunnies, and flies.

It's hard to believe that Darren is leaving next weekend. In some ways, the past five business days have gone by so fast and then in other ways it seems like we have been here longer. We thank you all for your continued prayers. We know that we serve a mighty God who holds the world in existence by "the power of His word". We know that that same God cares for us and is a comfort to us in our struggles. Pray that things would work out smoothly and that the aching of our hearts would be comforted by meeting our children, but also that we could "count it all joy when [we] encounter various trials."


  1. I'm praying everything goes well Jacky. The waiting is so hard. Wow, lots of adoption families are spending this weekend waiting for important news that should come early this week. I pray God leads you to your sweet girls very soon.

  2. Hey, I tried to post a comment through my phone this morning, but it didn't work, so here goes again. When we were in Ukraine adopting our sons, we had to be away from Rachel for over six weeks. She was almost 4 at the time, and it was terribly difficult. I am sure there will be difficult days when you are missing Darren. However, the Lord was good and gracious and enough for us. He got us through it. I was very thankful while overseas for cell phones and the internet, which made things easier. I am so excited for how the Lord is going to move in your lives through this experience. It sounds like you are having an adventure over there, but who wants to live a safe life all of the time? Jonathan and I are praying for you ALL!!!!!
